Safety Activities
HIMEJI TOSHIBA E.P. Corporation Occupational Health and Safety Policy
HIMEJI TOSHIBA E.P. Corporation is located in an environment notable for Himeji Castle, which is a national treasure and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ibo River, and the Seto Inland Sea. While respecting the culture and customs of the region, we will aim to contribute to society through business activities, primarily the sales of semiconductor parts, high-precision metal molds, etc.
In addition, in accordance with the Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group, "Committed to People, Committed to the Future", we place the highest priority on human life, safety and legal compliance through our business activities, and we are making concerted efforts throughout our operations to create safe and healthful workplace environments.
- We position health and safety as one of the most important issues for management, and will strive to prevent occupational injury and disease in the workplace by achieving continual improvement in occupational health and safety management.
- We will comply with Industrial Safety and Health Law, etc. and also with our voluntary standards.
- We will set objectives and targets for the following items and put them into action:
- 1) Eradication of occupational accidents and disease in the workplace, mitigation of risks that may cause such accidents and disease, and enhancement of each employee's sensitivity to hazard and errors. In particular, we focus on the reduction of the following risks.
- (1) The risk of accidents when handling heavy loads (metal molds, materials, etc.)
- (2) The risk of accidents caused by falling or airborne objects
- (3) The risk of accidents caused by pinching or getting caught in machinery
- (4) The risk of accidents involving cuts and abrasions
- 2) We will strive to maintain and enhance the physical and mental health of all employees so that they can make full use of their abilities. In particular, we will focus on prevention of illness by improving their mental health and encouraging healthy lifestyles.
- 3) We will promote educational activities concerning safety to prevent traffic accidents during commuting and at other times.
- 1) Eradication of occupational accidents and disease in the workplace, mitigation of risks that may cause such accidents and disease, and enhancement of each employee's sensitivity to hazard and errors. In particular, we focus on the reduction of the following risks.
- We will ask all business partners to work on the activities related to occupational health and safety, and will also provide them with support in doing so, in order to ensure and maintain the safety and health of everyone involved in Toshiba Group's business.
- We will proactively disclose our commitments and achievements concerning occupational health and safety in order to contribute to society's enhancement of health and safety management standards.
OHASAS 18001:2007 Registration Certificate

Safety Activities
In 2009, we received Class 1 Zero-Accident Certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, having had no accidents for 7 million hours. Having received the award for zero accidents for the fifth consecutive year from 2008 to 2012, we are continuing to make efforts to achieve a perfect zero-accident record.
- Environmental Policy
- Safety Activities