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Privacy Policy

NISHISHIBA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. recognizes the value and the usefulness of personal data of our customers, and performs the business activity under the following privacy policy.

  1. NISHISHIBA strictly observes the Personal Data Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations.
  2. NISHISHIBA utilizes personal data within the scope of the intended use clearly informed to customers. NISHISHIBA does not disclose or provide personal data provided by customers to third parties except with the consent of the customer or when there is a legitimate reason.
  3. NISHISHIBA maintains personal data accurate and updated and strives to prevent unauthorized access to personal data or the loss, destruction, alternation, or unauthorized disclosure of personal data.
  4. NISHISHIBA has established management systems relating to personal data protection, which we carefully implement, maintain, and strive to continuously improve.
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