Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Management System: ISO45001

In March 2010, Nishishiba obtained OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification.
According to the system transition of institutions on September of 2020, our management system has been updating from OHSAS18001 to ISO45001:2018.

We are continuously working on improvement for industrial safety and health through operation of new system.
ISO45001:2018 will be expired in 3 years, but in order to continue the certification, we will take official inspection by LRQA which is an official certification organization twice a year to evaluate conformity and availability according to audit program.

[Image] Continual improvement

Basic Policy on Occupational Health and Safety

As a part of the Toshiba Group, Nishishiba shall give maximum priority to the importance of life, safety and compliance in all business activities, and shall promote the creation of safe and comfortable work environments and the maintenance of mental and physical health.

  1. We position health and safety as one of the most important priorities for management, and strive to prevent occupational injury and disease in the workplace by continual improvements in occupational health and safety management.
  2. We shall comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations and other legal requirements.
  3. We set objectives and targets and act decisively to achieve the following:.
    • (1) Eradication of occupational accidents and disease in the workplace, elimination of hazards, and the mitigation of risks that may cause such accidents and disease;
    • (2) Maintenance and promotion of physical and mental health in order to enable all employees to bring their individual capabilities into full play
  4. We commit to ensure appropriate consultation and participation, on occupational health and safety initiatives of workers and their representatives in various positions, who are involved in our Company business.
  5. We contribute to society's enhancement of health and safety management standards through various communication on occupational health and safety matters.

ISO45001 registration certificate

Nishishiba and Nishishiba Group have ISO45001 certification.

[Image] ISO45001 registration certificate[Image] ISO45001 registration certificate

Click image to enlarge.

Health and safety patrols

We carry out monthly health and safety patrols for the purpose of ensuring safety and preventing occupational accidents and illnesses.

[Image] Health and safety patrols

[Image] Health and safety patrols

Health and safety awareness activities and training

We carry out health and safety awareness activities and training for the purpose of preventing occupational accidents and illnesses.

Company-wide health and safety conference

We hold a company-wide health and safety conference ahead of the preparatory month leading up to National Safety Week, in order to raise the level of safety and increase company safety culture.

[Image] Company-wide health and safety conference

[Image] Company-wide health and safety conference

Special health and safety training

We regularly conduct special training and give careful attention to employee health and safety.

[Image] Special health and safety training

[Image] Special health and safety training

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