Personal Power-generating System

Cutting-edge technology that is developed with an awareness for the global environment and energy conservation enables us to build a rich and comfortable lifestyle.
The stable supply of electrical energy could be considered the basis of social infrastructure.
Nishishiba's power generators are used in a variety of areas to achieve stable power supply.
Moreover, to meet the ever increasing needs of society, we offer power-generating systems designed on the concept of energy conservation, giving benefit both to people and to the earth.

Emergency generating systems

  • NPF9M

Emergency generating systems are essential for protecting human lives and safety and supplying power to important facilities in times of power outage due to natural disasters or unforeseen circumstances.
There is a demand for reliable equipment that is sure to work in an emergency.
Nishishiba's Generating systems provide a reliable backup power system for any situation.
This equipment can even be used in times of major catastrophe. (Applicable for BCP)

Product Information
Series name Voltage Power-generation equipment capacity
NPF9M Low voltage (200-V class) Normal model: 130/150 to 520/600 kVA
Long-period operation model: 120/135 to 470/550 kVA
NPFH High voltage (6600 V) 360/380 to 750/875 kVA
  • Note: Power-generation equipment capacity is represented as 50-Hz machines / 60-Hz machines.
  • Note: For please consult with us regarding use of products in BCP.

Generating systems

  • NDP-190

We offer best-planning solutions for stable power supply systems.
We offer highly efficient diesel engine generators that can operate in tandem with commercial power supply and also ensure power supply for customers in times of power shortage or power outage.

Product Information
Series name Generator output Features
NDP190P 190kW Fuel consumption: 48/49L/h


  1. Highly economical operation through use of highly efficient equipment
  2. All-in-one type for simple installation and space-saving
  3. Environmentally friendly power generation equipment with low noise, reduced vibration, and low pollution
  4. Providing safe and stable operation through an excellent service system
  5. Adaptable to co-generation systems (optional)
Relevant catalog
NDP-190P [PDF/282KB]

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